Recruitment Process Outsourcing
As a recognized leader in the RPO space, raHeyes has a proven track record of helping many organizations address their most pressing and complex talent requirements. With deep expertise, excellent resources, and a focus on innovation, we deliver value by partnering with clients across all facets of recruiting - from establishing the vision to executing the strategy and achieving measurable results. We also help clients by engaging with them on aspects that strengthen their talent acquisition and recruitment functions like employer branding and also offer customized services for industries, functions and geographies
End-to-End RPO Management of the entire recruiting process
project RPO Management of the entire recruiting process and short-term hiring goals
selective RPO Management of distinct recruiting processes within your organization
Outsourcing Services Includes:
- Staffing Direct Hire (Permanent placement to Client )
- On Payroll Service –To - Permanent Client
- Invoice Management for delivered Services
Our Unique Talent Sourcing Channels
- Competitors of client
- Aligned skill sets
- Aligned industries based on aligned skills
- Identify different segments but same skill.
- Study candidate profile & Identify similar skill set.
Sourcing Channels
- Power Full Internal Database application
- Powerful Employees referral Both inside and outside Network
- Social Media
- Social re-targeting turning candidates' social network into talent pipeline
- CVs in raHeyesdatabase
- 30,000 followers on raHeyes Linkedin page
- Reaching 60% candidates who are not active on job boards
- 10,000+ potential candidates
- 500 walk-ins / month with unique profiles across major cities
- 1,500+ job applications and profiles/month
Recruitment Intake
- Culture
- Management
- Customer Information & current environment
- Position/Role
- The reason for the vacancy
- Qualification
- Candidate competency /Skill
- Salary range
- Location
- No Poach companies if any
- Selection process & Hire time frames
Step 1Complete briefing about the company and job role
Step 2Cross check interest level for the job role
Step 3Send an email on the time date and location/remote of the interview and the interviewer name.
Step 4The follow up call:
- 1st Call for the possible date and time for the interview.
- 2nd Call One day before the interview
- 3rd Call 2hour before the actual interview